Sunday, March 26, 2006

So excited about Real Estate course!!

I've recently read Ron LeGrand's "How To Be A Quick Turn Real Estate Millionaire (Without Cash Or Credit)". It was an awesome book, but I needed a lot more how-to info. I tried winning his Cash Flow System on eBay, but it was way out of my price range. His website sells it for $1500, and eBay auctions for it close out at over $300.

I did win an auction for one of Ron LeGrand's star students to mentor me and provide unique letters to mail to property owners. His name is Victor Favela. He's a super nice guy, and responds prompty to all inquiries I have.

I told him I wasn't able to get the Cash Flow System - and he actually offered me his for a VERY good deal. I'm SO excited!! This is all I've needed to get started.

Actually...I took action after reading the book I mentioned above, and had a seller interested in a lease option or option, but I didn't have the forms and extra how-to information to complete the deal. This stuff REALLY works!!

I'll keep ya updated on how everything goes :-)