Thursday, March 23, 2006

Aerial gets a new kitty cat :-)

Aerial (my 9 yr old daughter) lost her cat three weeks ago. Cocoa was her name. She was a beautiful long-haired dark brown (almost black) six month old cat. Aerial was just sick over it....

After three weeks of hanging posters and going door to door, and no word we figured someone probably had her and didn't want to give her up (or worst).

David found a free kitten's ad in the paper today, and they were long-haired!! We called immediately but got voicemail. The lady called me back this evening and I told Aerial she could go with me to look at a BowFlex (wink, wink).

We arrived at the wealthy womans house (the indicator was the BMW and Mercedes in the driveway of this gorgeous two story home). When we walked into this beautiful home, the first thing we saw was her Ab Lounge. It was perfect - she really thought we were there for a piece of exercise equipment (ha!)

I said to the woman "Hi, we're here for the BowFlex" and winked at her. She told her son to go get "them" and he arrived with three adorable fluffy little kittie witties.

She said to Aerial, "Do you want one of these?"... Aerial's eyes got as big as half dollars and she looked at me as to say "Can I, Mom?".

The lady and I just laughed at her expression (for a few minutes). I told her we were there for her to get a new kitten, not a BowFlex. She picked out the adorable orange striped one. We think it's a girl, but we're not sure (because it's so darn fluffy).

Aerial told me she loved me all the way home :-) She named her new kitten Sunshine.


BikerMomma said...

Very sweet! I hope this new kitty brings many years of joy to your little girl. Cute name, too!


Anonymous said...

Awww, touching story and great cover up, Mom! Loved the drama :) Looking forward to seeing some pics of Ariel & Sunshine.