Monday, April 03, 2006

I'm HORRIBLE At Picking Out Movies!!

I started a part time job at Movie Gallery for the free movies and games. It's just 10 hours a week, and it's actually a very fun job.

Anyway - I am TERRIBLE at picking out movies to watch! In the last two days we've rented three doozies.

Weather Man
Broke Back Mountain
Bad News Bears

I actually thought the kids would like Bad News Bears, but we had to turn it off due to the horribly foul language (from kids). I figured a little language wouldn't be too bad - but no one has completed a sentence WITHOUT a cuss word in it in the first 15 minutes of the movie. I'm so disappointed.

I had no clue Broke Back Mountain was about two gay men and their love story. Geeze...I really need to pay more attention to the ratings and not so much other's opinions!

On a lighter note, Chronicles of Narnia was AWESOME! And so was Just Like Heaven with Reese Witherspoon. I guess I'll just keep trying.