Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Want to work from home so bad you can taste it??

I know the feeling! I was exactly where you are right now. I felt like it was utterly hopeless at times - that I would NEVER find a legitimate work at home job. Scam after worthless scam.... There were several arguments that conspired between my husband and I over the dollars that I wasted on scams. Some of them were so believable! I learned that I am definately not cut out for MLM / Network Marketing. It's just not my cup of tea (so please, in the nicest way possible - stop trying to recruit me).

Remember: NEVER PAY SOMEONE SO YOU CAN WORK! I know, I know - LiveOps charges YOU the background check fee. And Willow is a "Business Opportunity". In my opinion, it's just not worth it. I have heard too many horror stories about the battle of the hours / assignments. Do you REALLY want to go through that, just to say you are working from home? Not worth it!

Remember - there ARE legitimate work at home jobs out there. Check out my links (under Favorite Spots Online) - click on FREE Telecommuting Job Leads. That is an EXCELLENT resource. Just sign up, then log in. There are countless legitimate companies hiring telecommuters listed.