Monday, September 18, 2006


Simplicity. That is our focus lately. We are truly blessed to be work at home parents. Working from home works out so well for our desire to homeschool our children too. David and I are able to both work 8 hours a day, and still spend plenty of quality time with our children. I work two hours, and then he works two hours. While the other is working, we have two quality hours to spend with the kiddos.

We are de-junking our home. It's amazing how you acquire so much crap over the years. I think it's a woman thing to impulse buy - just because something is on sale.... We are getting rid of most everything we don't use. First step is to bag up everything except necessities for 1 month. The conecept is 'out of sight, out of mind'. If we can make it for 1 month without it, chances are - we just don't need it. We'd rather give it to someone who needs it (via or donate it to the Salvation Army or Goodwill.

We've gone high-tech this year form the majority of homeschooling this year. is awesome, and so is for the phonics portion. It has replaced our usual Hooked On Phonics. Of course we're still using Hooked On Math though - it's a great program.

We've also started the Body For Life challenge / Eating For Life. Since we've done so, our children's behavior has improved dramatically. We eat six small meals a day, balanced carbohydrates, protein and essential fats. I wake up before everyone else and get my workout done first thing in the morning. It just makes me feel better, and I'm losing weight - so that's a big plus.

Anyway, this is an update on what our family is up to. I hope this inspires others to do less. Less REALLY is more.