Monday, August 21, 2006

Bad Apples

I have recently had an encounter with a very bad apple. She seemed to be quite successful and even claimed to be a business mentor and "success coach". Upon further investigation, I learned that she had cheated her way to a prestigious status within her Network Marketing company. Actually, she not only cheated - but literally broke the law in the unethical way she built her business. Sadly, I think the company she is with will not do much about it becuase they will lose out on the money her business has brought them....

I have faith in the law of attraction though. What goes around, comes around - without fail. This same person tried some pretty nasty stunts to sabatage my own business building efforts, and thankfully was exposed without my saying a word. Pretty neat how that law of attraction works.

It won't be long until her business world comes crashing done. I only hope that those involved will get out while they still have time. And for those who are unaware of her unethical behavior, that the truth be brought to light before they are brought down with her.