Friday, June 09, 2006


When I was a girl, I craved your love and attention...
If you did love and care for me, it's something you failed to mention.

All the times I came to you, desperate for compassion...
But all I got was cut down, and of course - the daily lashings.

Sorry about all the mistakes I made....but Mom, I was just a child.
So many times I tried to please you....hoping for a hug or even a smile....

But you were ALWAYS yelling, angry and enraged about somethin'
I don't know why you are so angry, or why you refused loving..

Nothing I did was good enough no matter HOW hard I tried...
Each time you hit, ignored, or yelled at me, a piece of my soul died...

Now I'm grown and have four little ones of my very own.
And I try my best to show them the love I was never shown.

Years and years it took to heal the massive pain within...
I tried so hard to forget the past, but the memories surface again.

My Creator reached into my soul and He stopped the bleeding, and filled that hole
your abuse left me.

I'll never forget the past, but now the pain is gone...
And that's all I needed was pain relief, so now I can move on.

I didn't say this to hurt you, rather, for you to know the truth...
And although you tore my heart apart, I DO love AND forgive you....