I was shocked to learn that Google has come out with some awesome new stuff!
Drum roll...... Google Checkout!
Look out PayPal - you've got some real competition here. (and those of us that sell online have a great alternative to PayPal - which sucks in many ways.... but that's just my opinion).
Cool features of Google Checkout:
1) If you're an AdWords user - for every $1 you spend on AdWords, you will get a $10 credit toward payment processing (for those that sell online).
2) If you use Google Checkout for making purchases online, you don't have to reveal your email address when making a purchase. This prevents commercial spam - a BIG problem. Alot of times you'll get emails over and over again from a seller attempting to sell you another product or service. That can be frustrating.
3) When you make purchases online with Google Checkout, your credit card info. is not revealed to the seller - and you can be in and out in just two clicks. It's that easy!
So...will I make the switch? You betcha!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Google Checkout (Look Out PayPal - you've got competition!)
Posted by Philly at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Hypochondriac or Hypoglycemic?
It's cheaper to be Hypoglycemic :-) It's easily fixed by simply changing your eating habbits. That can be a lot easier said than done...especially when you're the one who usually cooks for the entire household. As it turns out, hubby tested high for the hypoglycemia too. Explains A LOT for us... Thankfully hypoglycemia is a lot cheaper to fix than going to marriage counseling.
Test yourself and see if you have it. If you test high - schedule a Glucose test with your Dr. Don't be suprised if your doctor isn't supportive. It's one of those deep unkown's for a lot of Dr's, but it definately is a pre-cursor to diabetes. Find a Dr. who is experienced in treating hypoglycemia. It is NOT a mystery condition - it really just means you live in America and consume the 'all American diet' - which includes LOTS of sugar.
Sugar isn't just in donuts, cakes, pies, cookies and sodas. It's in Ketchup, sauces, gravy's, processed dinners (microwavable) and LOTS more. Educate yourself :-)
Posted by Philly at 12:17 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Update on Loss Mitigation...
I have been putting together a business plan for offering Loss Mitigation services to homeowners in foreclosure. Loss Mitigation is actually an intervention on behalf of the homeowner to work out a repayment plan of the arrears so the homeowner can keep their biggest investment (their home, of course).
This seems to be a very big business, but unfortunately there are A LOT of companies out there taking advantage of people... They take their money saying they can do the mitigation, and are unable to work out an agreement with the lender and the homeowner ends up losing their home AND the money they paid the Loss Mitigation company. So sad...
Here in Indiana they are now requiring all Loss Mitigators to become licensed (a new development, but I'm so glad it happened), and I look forward to getting licensed. I hope to see other states follow suit and require licensing for all Loss Mitigation professionals.
I will keep posting on the process of my business plan and how things are working out. I have an alternative plan (rather than working with a Loss Mitigation company).... I will fill in the details just before rolling out with my website.
Posted by Philly at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 12, 2006
Making a website
I'm making a website using Microsoft Office Live. Please stop by and check it out. I'll be filling in the content as I have the time to do so - so feel free to shoot me an email and offer suggestions for additioonal topics. Your feedback is really appreciated.
Posted by Philly at 12:57 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 09, 2006
When I was a girl, I craved your love and attention...
If you did love and care for me, it's something you failed to mention.
All the times I came to you, desperate for compassion...
But all I got was cut down, and of course - the daily lashings.
Sorry about all the mistakes I made....but Mom, I was just a child.
So many times I tried to please you....hoping for a hug or even a smile....
But you were ALWAYS yelling, angry and enraged about somethin'
I don't know why you are so angry, or why you refused loving..
Nothing I did was good enough no matter HOW hard I tried...
Each time you hit, ignored, or yelled at me, a piece of my soul died...
Now I'm grown and have four little ones of my very own.
And I try my best to show them the love I was never shown.
Years and years it took to heal the massive pain within...
I tried so hard to forget the past, but the memories surface again.
My Creator reached into my soul and He stopped the bleeding, and filled that hole
your abuse left me.
I'll never forget the past, but now the pain is gone...
And that's all I needed was pain relief, so now I can move on.
I didn't say this to hurt you, rather, for you to know the truth...
And although you tore my heart apart, I DO love AND forgive you....
Posted by Philly at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Gettin' It Together W/ Proverbs
The book of Proverbs is one of my favorites in the Bible, because it's straight-forward and has such a no-nonsense approach to everyday issues. Here are some of my favorite verses.
A fool thinks he needs no advice, but a wise man listens to others.
Proverbs 12:15
Some people like to make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise soothe and heal.
Proverbs 12:18
Truth stands the test of time; lies are soon exposed.
Proverbs 12:19
A wise man doesn't display his knowledge, but a fool displays his foolishness.
Proverbs 12:23
Anxious hearts are very heavy, but a word of encouragement does wonders!
Proverbs 12:25
Hope deferred makes the heart sick; but when dereams come true at last, there is life and joy.
Proverbs 13:12
It is pleasant to see plans develop. That is why fools refuse to give them up when they are wrong.
Proverbs 13:19
Be with wise men and become wise. Be with eveil men and become evil.
Proverbs 13:20
The good man eats to live, while the evil man lives to eat.
Proverbs 13:25
The wise man looks ahead. The fool attempts to fool himself and won't face the facts.
Proverbs 14:8
The backslider gets bored with himself; the godly man's life is exciting.
Proverbs 14:14
Work brings profit; talk brings poverty.
Proverbs 14:23
Reverence for God gives a man deep strength; his children have a place of refuge and security.
Proverbs 14:26
A relaxed attitude lengthens a mans life. Jealousy rots it away.
Proverbs 14:30
Reverence for the Lord is the foundation of life; its waters keep a man from death.
Proverbs 14:27
A wise teacher makes learning a joy; a rebellious teacher spouts foolishness.
Proverbs 15:2
Gentle words cause life and health; griping brings discouragement.
Proverbs 15:14
A wise man is hungry for truth, while the mocker feeds on trash.
Proverbs 15:14
When a man is gloomy everything seems to go wrong; when he is cheerful, everything seems right!
Proverbs 15:15
Pleasant sights and good reports give happiness and health.
Proverbs 15:19
Better a little with reverence for God than great treasure and trouble with it.
Proverbs 15:16
From a wise mind comes careful and persuasive speech.
Proverbs 16:23
Kind words are like honey - enjoyable and healthful.
Proverbs 16:24
An evil man sows strife - gossip seperates the best of friends.
Proverbs 16:28
Posted by Philly at 12:57 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Learn Loss Mitigation, and Real Estate Investing
I've been with We Save Homes for a few months now, and the training is really good. We Save Homes teaches you how to do Loss Mitigation. Loss Mitigation is a term coined by the insurance industry, and it just means to reduce the loss of the banks when a home goes into foreclosure.
As Independent Financial Cooridnators, we locate homeowners in pre-foreclosure and foreclosure, and inform them of their options. This is a valuable and ethical service, and a great situation because it's truly win-win-win.
Why is it win-win-win? Well, because the homeowner gets to keep their home, you earn a fee for the Loss Mitigation service you provide the homeowner, AND you learn how to locate pre-foreclosure and foreclosure properties for future real estate investing transactions.
If you want to get started, email me at NetBasedMoms@Gmail.com, and we'll getcha started :-)
Posted by Philly at 8:37 PM 0 comments